Since recently moving to the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, I am in such close proximity to extreme poverty and homelessness that it has become difficult to keep a positive attitude. Add to that my own misfortune of getting laid off, and things seem pretty bleak. Nevertheless, when I see so many people everyday even less fortunate than myself, I feel that now it is more important than ever that I continue this project. The apartment I moved into here is much smaller than the one I left in Marin, so I had a lot of things that I really needed to get rid of. It was gratifying to go around my new neighborhood, giving away things I had carried around with me for years. As I went through my stuff, I realized I had several more blankets than I ever used--these were probably among the most appreciated items I gave away. As I got to know the homeless people in this area, I realized that the logical next step is to get a hold of a video camera! I will produce videos of the homeless in this area on a weekly basis! Just one problem...where do I get the video camera? It came to me in a dream last night--some supreme being with a booming voice said "Ask Your Readers!"
So, that is what I am doing. If you have a video camera you can donate to help raise awareness on homelessness, please contact me; or click the Donate Button if you would like to contribute funds:
Thank you for all of your comments and support.